Summary of srm results

12-01-2008 11:48

Side by side are plots for the same peptides measured in C.elegans with no bovine protein spike-in and with 50fmol spiked in. In addition to the usual panels in the plot (each fragment chromatogram and final score) are the three intermediate terms: the probability of some other candidate peptide being present, the probability that no peptide is present, and the probability that the target is present. Plotted is the -log(prob) for each of the three probabilities. The final score is still plotted as -log(1-prob).

All precursors are from the file C_elegans_BovineMix_Nospike_Part2.srm and C_elegans_BovineMix_Spiked_50fmolul_Part2.srm and were run with the worm-bovine-mix-contam.fasta protein database. (options: log preprocessing tryptic cleavages, internal cleavage sites allowed)

precursor mz: 471.26
No spike inSpike in
precursor mz: 621.30
No spike inSpike in
precursor mz: 734.41
No spike inSpike in
precursor mz: 770.37
No spike inSpike in
precursor mz: 869.45
No spike inSpike in