Hardklör Source Code

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Hardklör is provided open source for free. Advanced users may wish to compile the source code for their custom system, or modify it for their own purposes. Below are instructions for installation on a Linux-based system using the command-line. It is assumed that version control software is already installed on the system. Hardklör can also be compiled for other operating systems/development environments including, but not limited to, Microsoft Visual Studio for Windows. Specific development environment instructions are outside the scope of this document, as it is assumed users of those environments are already familiar with them.

Building Hardklör

Step 1: Check out the Hardklör repository

Obtain the source code from any of the three options presented above.

Step 2: Check out the supporting software library

MSToolkit - used to support multiple file formats.

The MSToolkit library has its own source repository, applications, and instructions for use. For compiling Hardklör from source, this library simply needs to be compiled on the system you are using.

Step 3: Build support software

The MSToolkit comes with a Makefiles. Go into the MSToolkit directory and execute the Makefile. For example:

MSToolkit> make

Step 4: Update paths in the Hardklör Makefile

Navigate to your Hardklör directory. Open Makefile with any text editor. Edit 'LIBPATH' to the location of your MSToolkit directory:

LIBPATH = /yourpath/MSToolkit

Save the changes in the Makefile.

Step 5: Make Hardklör

Type 'make' from the command line.